What Causes Cavities In Kids?

What Causes Cavities In Kids?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Many children are prone to tooth decay or cavities caused by plaque. Plaque is a substance that forms when saliva, food, and bacteria create a film that sticks to the teeth. The bacteria in plaque …

What Should You Expect If Your Kid Has A Cavity?

What Should You Expect If Your Kid Has A Cavity?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Tooth decay is common in children, though it is largely preventable. If your child develops a cavity, you may have questions about how the doctor will treat it using restorative dentistry techniques. This article will …

How Often Do Kids Need Fluoride Treatment?

How Often Do Kids Need Fluoride Treatment?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Fluoride treatment is essential for protecting children from tooth decay. Most dentists recommend that children receive fluoride treatments in the office two to four times a year, depending on their risk of developing cavities. Fluoride …

How Can I Tell If My Child Has A Cavity?

How Can I Tell If My Child Has A Cavity?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Cavities are very common in children. However, if a cavity is left untreated, it can lead to serious and painful oral health conditions including gum disease or dental abscess. That’s why it is crucial that …

What Does The Start Of A Cavity Look Like In A Child's Tooth?

What Does The Start Of A Cavity Look Like In A Child’s Tooth?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Unfortunately, many children are prone to cavities. Cavities can be caused by inadequate home care, an unhealthy diet, or genetic predisposition, among other reasons. In a child’s tooth, the beginning of a cavity may look …

At What Age Should a Child Get Their First Dental X-Ray?

At What Age Should a Child Get Their First Dental X-Ray?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Dental X-rays or radiographs are valuable diagnostic tools that allow practitioners to see inside a tooth and detect cavities and other problems. Children should receive their first dental X-rays at about two or three or …

When Is It Safe To Give A Child Their First Dental X-Ray?

When Is It Safe To Give A Child Their First Dental X-Ray?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

The American Association of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD) do not have a specific age recommendation for when children get their first dental X-rays. This is because no two children are the same. Instead, the AAPD recommends …

What Should You Feed Your Child After Getting a Tooth Extraction?

What Should You Feed Your Child After Getting a Tooth Extraction?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Getting a tooth extracted can be an intimidating experience for both the child and the child’s parents. But this common, safe procedure can be made less frightening if you have a plan in place for …

Can A Child Swim After Getting a Tooth Extraction?

Can A Child Swim After Getting a Tooth Extraction?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

The American Association of Pediatric Dentists recommends that children avoid physical exercise and exertion on the day of a tooth extraction. To that end, children should not go swimming after having a tooth removed. Read …

How Do You Protect Your Kid's Teeth From Cavities?

How Do You Protect Your Kid’s Teeth From Cavities?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that nearly 30% of children will develop cavities (also called caries) by their 5th birthday. By age 11, more than half of children will have at …

How Often Should Kids Get Dental X-Rays? | New York

How Often Should Kids Get Dental X-Rays? | New York

TeamPediatric Dentistry

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) suggests that children should receive x-rays every few years if they are at average or low risk for tooth decay and orthodontic problems. However, the AAPD stops short …

How Long Do Kids Need Fluoride?

How Long Do Kids Need Fluoride?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Most parents know that children need fluoride for strong teeth, but the guidelines for how long children should use it and in what form may be confusing. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that …

How to Prepare Your Child for a Tooth Extraction

How to Prepare Your Child for a Tooth Extraction

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Having a tooth extracted can be scary – especially for kids. If your child needs to have a tooth removed, you want to do everything you can to make it as easy as possible. How …

Should Kids Get Fluoride Treatments?

Should Kids Get Fluoride Treatments?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Fluoride treatments are a great way to help your child’s teeth stay healthy and strong. In fact, it’s been shown that fluoride treatments can prevent more than 90% of cavities from forming in children. Fluoride …

Is Fluoride Necessary For Kids?

Is Fluoride Necessary For Kids?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Regular dental check-ups are important for adults and children. The sooner kids receive dental checkups, the better. Early checkups mean healthier oral hygiene throughout a child’s life. Why are they important? Early check ups can: …

child with missing teeth

My Child Knocked Out a Tooth! Now What?

TeamDental Trauma, Pediatric Dentistry

Every year, millions of people lose a tooth due to an injury or accident. If your child gets a tooth knocked out while they’re playing, it can be a scary moment. But, don’t panic. Acting …

dentist examines the teeth of a child with braces

How Do You Get a Kid Used to a Palate Expander?

TeamOrthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry

Palate expanders can be a little intimidating for kids and parents. But don’t worry – most kids adapt very quickly. Here’s information to help you get your child off to a great start.   Know …

young girl with braces laughing

What Age Should a Child Get Braces?

TeamOrthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry

Children who need braces should get them when notified by their dentist or orthodontist that it’s time to begin orthodontic treatment. To monitor the progression of your child’s smile, it’s recommended that they see an …

a girl with braces laughs with friends

What is a Dental Space Maintainer?

TeamOrthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry

If your child has a gap in their smile, we may recommend that they get a dental space maintainer. If you’ve never heard of this dental appliance before, you’re not alone! Many parents wonder what …

young child at dental appointment

What Age Should a Child Go To the Dentist?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

When you ask friends and family when you should start taking your child to the dentist, you’ll likely get a wide range of responses. Even some dentists and pediatricians are divided on the subject! Fortunately, …

three teens with sunglasses on laugh in a car

What to Expect at a Pediatric Orthodontics Appointment

TeamOrthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry

If your child needs braces or early orthodontic treatment, you’re probably wondering what you can expect during their orthodontics appointments. Here’s what you need to know. Pediatric Orthodontic Consultation Orthodontic treatment begins with a consultation. …

two young children play with toothbrushes

What You Need to Know About Pediatric Dental Care

TeamPediatric Dentistry

There was a time when the prevailing attitude about pediatric dentistry was that there was no need to bring children to the dentist unless they had cavities. Even then, some people would argue that because …

toddler sucking thumb

Thumb Sucking: Is It Normal?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

When you went for your 20-week ultrasound and saw that image of your baby on the screen sucking her thumb, it was adorable. When she was born and put herself to sleep effortlessly by sucking …

an infant puts fingers in its mouth

Delayed Tooth Eruption: What You Should Know

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Teething. It can be a difficult time for babies and parents. Your baby was sleeping through the night, but suddenly they are waking up multiple times during the night and fussing. You may not realize …

dentist brushing teeth on model with braces

How To Brush Teeth With Braces

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Good oral hygiene is more important than ever when you have braces. While the purpose of the braces is to straighten teeth, they also put you at a higher risk for tooth decay. It is …

mom and young daughter brushing teeth together

Starting Your Child on the Road to Dental Health

TeamPediatric Dentistry

When you help your child establish good oral hygiene practices, those habits last a lifetime. Children who take pride in caring for their teeth and view going to the dentist as a positive experience have …

A young boy lying in bed wearing a turquoise shirt is missing his front tooth & smiling while holding a tooth in his hand.

All of Your Questions Answered on Your Child Losing Baby Teeth!

ScottPediatric Dentistry

It seems like it was just yesterday that weeks of drooling and gumming everything in sight gave way to your child’s first two teeth poking their way through the gums. Those tiny little baby teeth …

Child in dentist chair

How to Calm Children’s Dental Fears

TeamPediatric Dentistry

As pediatric dentists, we understand that kids are afraid of dental visits. We expect it, we’re trained in handling it, and we’ve seen even the most fearful patients warm up to us after a visit …