Is Fluoride Necessary For Kids?

Is Fluoride Necessary For Kids?

TeamPediatric Dentistry

Regular dental check-ups are important for adults and children. The sooner kids receive dental checkups, the better. Early checkups mean healthier oral hygiene throughout a child’s life.

Why are they important? Early check ups can:

  • Prevent cavities and tooth decay
  • Help children to chew easily
  • Help children to speak clearly
  • Help children to smile confidently
  • Lead to life-long healthy mouths

Having an early check-up also ensures that your child receives enough fluoride, which is essential for healthy teeth.

Why is Fluoride Important?

Fluoride is a natural mineral. In fact, it’s found in many different foods and water supplies. It’s very important to reduce tooth decay, especially for young children. Fluoride protects kids from cavities while their dental enamel is developing. 

Because of its importance for dental health, fluoride is often added to most of the public water supplies in the U.S. Studies indicate that children who drink water that contains fluoride will have far less cavities than those who don’t drink fluoridated water.

Dental cavities are extremely common for kids and adults, so using fluoride is one good way to help prevent cavities from forming. In fact, fluoride is essential to maintain the best dental health in people of any age, as well as children. For kids, it’s even more important than adults however, because their teeth are just beginning to develop.

How Does Fluoride Help Your Child’s Dental Health?

Fluoride helps by preventing tooth decay and cavities. It makes teeth less likely to experience decay as children grow older, too. 

Fluoride works through the process of remineralization, which strengthens permanent erupted teeth and incoming teeth alike. Consumed foods and acids in the mouth can weaken tooth enamel by demineralizing it, but fluoride helps prevent this, as it is absorbed right into the enamel on your child’s teeth to reverse and harden soft spots on the tooth. 


So Are Dental Fluoride Treatments Necessary for Kids?

The best way to find out is to bring your child to the dentist by the time they turn one. And every six months at minimum after that, as recommended by your dental team. By doing so, your dentist can examine your child’s teeth development and determine if a fluoride treatment is needed.

And, at home, brush your young child’s teeth with a tiny bit of fluoride containing toothpaste, and as your child grows older, be sure to have them brush with a toothpaste that contains it. 

Along with Fluoride Monitoring, Why Should a Child Visit the Dentist?

With dental health tied to the health of the entire body, making sure kids have the best in oral health habits and care starting at an early age is important for their well-being. 

Dentists can provide restorative services for children, including composite fillings, crowns, pulp treatments, and tooth extractions if necessary too. And, good oral hygiene starts with the very first baby tooth. Although baby teeth fall out in a few years, they’re space holders for your child’s permanent teeth. And without good oral care, even baby teeth can decay and cause problems such as gum and tooth pain and inflammation, disease, and difficulty eating or sleeping.

Bring Your Child for a Dental Visit

If you’re ready to bring your child for a visit to the dentist, reach out today! We’ll start your child on a journey for good oral health that lasts a lifetime, and check to see if your child needs a fluoride treatment for the best dental health. Afterall, we want to keep your child confidently smiling!